Amanda on her experience with LEVY Health

About 10 months ago, my boyfriend and I decided we wanted to start trying for a baby. We always knew we wanted a family, and the timing felt right because he had recently been promoted at work and my best friend had just gotten pregnant. I stopped taking the pill, and my periods got quite … Read more

Silvia’s pregnancy loss

So much of your first pregnancy is about learning as you go. Yes, you’ve done your research and read a lot about pregnancy, and have friends and family who were or currently are pregnant. You’ve looked at their big bellies and wondered how it feels. And you’ve gotten a lot of advice. But no one … Read more

A letter to the strong women in the midst of an incredibly hard, yet conquerable infertility journey during Christmas.

Infertility Christmas

Dear Infertility Warrior, Not being pregnant at Christmas when it seems like everyone around you is – and you were hoping you would be too – sucks. A few months ago, you secretly thought about the outfit you could wear on Christmas Eve that would accentuate your tiny bump. You didn’t book that skiing trip … Read more

Julia shares her fertility story (Part 2)

fertility story julia

Thousands of women are going through something similar to Julia, but so many feel all alone on this journey. If you’re struggling to have a baby, know that you’re not the only one, although it may feel like it at times. Our goal with sharing this fertility story is to provide a sense of comfort … Read more

Julia shares her fertility story (Part 1)

fertility story julia

Julia is 38 years old. She and her husband have been trying to get pregnant for over a year, but unfortunately it turns out to not be as easy as they were expecting. “Julia” is an alias; while she’d prefer to use her real name for her fertility story, she’s currently looking for a job … Read more

Infertility Experience – Alina shares her Story

Infertility experience

Infertility experience: Many make them. 1 in 7 couples to be precise. Yet, only few talk about it. Alina is 34 years old, newly married and tells us about her experiences. When and how did you realise that having children was difficult for you? I went off the pill when I was 28, without wanting … Read more

Leonie* (30 years old) has been struggling to have a baby for almost 2 years

Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch

Having an unfulfilled desire to have children is draining. An emotional rollercoaster that makes you feel like you’re the only one struggling to conceive. Leonie speaks openly about her experiences, states what kind of support she would hope for, and why infertility seems to be an even bigger struggle for men.


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