6 tips to improve your sex life when trying to conceive from sexologist Jana Welch

6 tips to improve your sex life when trying to conceive Jana Welch

About Jana Welch I live in Hamburg with my two children and have a sexology practice. I work with clients both in-person and online. I have a master’s degree in sexology and am a systemic sex therapist for couples. In the past, I worked as a journalist and television producer. Today I can combine these … Read more

Leonie* (30 years old) has been struggling to have a baby for almost 2 years

Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch

Having an unfulfilled desire to have children is draining. An emotional rollercoaster that makes you feel like you’re the only one struggling to conceive. Leonie speaks openly about her experiences, states what kind of support she would hope for, and why infertility seems to be an even bigger struggle for men.


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